Saving videos from disappearing

And then there was the internet, it had "inter" in it for a reason, it crossed and ignored borders, an international network. Then there were two nerds of Jewish decent, one from Russia, the other from America, they built Google. They bought a video network called YouTube. It was great and showed a promise of a peaceful future for humanity. But what did the idiots in charge of that business do? They re-invented borders like children in a closeted gang; "Nope, YOU can't join our club, you're from OVER THERE" It's a sad disgrace. If only there had been some logic in the blocking, but no, not even that; Some videos have been in the public domain for almost 8 years and only recently got a 'blocked in your country' notice. Like that would ever work. Those videos are already on our harddisks. Some videos have always been blocked on TV in my country, but suddenly are perfectly fine to see on YouTube: Luckily, before it gets all blocked, we can grab the videos in the highest quality available using this wonderful tool called youtube-dl. Here's my config for it. What can we do to fight this blocking per country…

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Refugee cramps

If you could do population management at a worldwide level, you would look at the current density and available resources, yes? That would be the most viable and survivable solution. Perhaps tweaked a little towards actual habitable land, because steep rocky mountains can be pretty hard to try and survive on. But that's besides the point; We're already at 508(!) humans per km2 in The Netherlands, in Canada by comparison that's 4 per km2, in the US it's 33 per km2, in France 106/km2, on Ibiza 227/km2 and in Denmark there are around 132 humans/km2. Just some examples. I find it absurd that not one world leader with half of a brain comes up with decent dividing of habitable land by now. Not even a proposition to that end. Hell no; All they're doing is pulling up walls, protecting resources for their own, keeping it for themselves (and preferably with underpaid slaves working and producing for them at the other side of the wall). Nobody inherited land on earth, they're all just pretending to have ownership of it. This (strictly human) game of pretend ownership will all come tumbling down when shit hits fans in densely populated areas, when mass…

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Ja, het is zomer, hoort warm te zijn, maar dit laat de *afwijking* van het gemiddelde (van 1961 tot 1991) op dezelfde dag zien (vlak onder het wateroppervlak); en die streep daar links van Zuid Amerika, dat is het teken van een El NiƱo jaar in wording; Worst case scenario; Noordpoolijs weg in september 2020. Nog warmer water in Noordpoolgebied, teveel methaangas stijgt op uit permafrost, en dan is het nog 3 jaar voor abrupte exponentiele opwarming. De tekenen zijn er naar. Het experiment wat de mensheid zich denkt te kunnen veroorloven loopt ten einde. Ik weet niet of we nog op tijd zijn om het proces te stoppen (het moet zelfs worden omgekeerd, inmiddels..). Als u denkt van wel, dan kunt u reageren en uitleggen hoe.

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Rendabel, of toch niet?

Serieus, dat kon niet even worden opgeteld bij een komende rekening? Alleen al het papier, de inkt, de envelop, het vervoer ervan en de computer-tijd (dus electriciteit) die het ons kost om dit 'even' over te maken komt al ver boven die 1,50 uit, dunkt mij. Oh wacht, ze zijn bang de rente erover mis te lopen. Wat een fucked-up systeem!

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Old-school abandoned software remains alive and kicking

The TrueCrypt 7.1a disk-encryption software was audited. Meaning its code was fully analyzed and entirely taken apart by independent parties and I'm with Steve Gibson when he concludes: "I'm staying with TrueCrypt". Also, if Matthew Green says he keeps on using it the way he always did, I'm feeling pretty damn safe in Snowden-land about my old-school use of the latest (free) TrueCrypt. I use it in conjunction with CryptSync and BitTorrentSync to always have that encrypted drive with me on all my devices, that I can open as a virtual disk using TrueCrypt. On that disk I store my top-secret stuff, and my mozilla firefox and mail profiles. By the way; Yay! My good old weblog is up and running again. I intend to move a lot of posts from facebook to this here site, because I don't really like the way facebook archives and hides posts etc. Besides, the main reason I wasn't posting/writing here was because my CMS was broken, it's not anymore. Although the layout will be changed into something better the coming years ;-)

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