Re: Wat zou jij doen met €8.100.000?

> Over 2 dagen kan het gebeuren... > ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ > Staatsloterij > ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ > Beste J., > ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ > Over 2 dagen is het zover... de 10e. De meest spannende avond > van de maand! De Jackpot is gevuld met €8.100.000. Wij kunnen > niet wachten tot de trekking en jij? > Koop nú je Staatslot > Al onze prijzen zijn belastingvrij > > Wat zou jij doen met €8.100.000? Eeh.. een loterij beginnen, die niet zulke absurd hoge prijzen uitdeelt aan een enkeling? Ik zou dit soort idiote prijzen kleiner maken. Bijv. 2 miljoen, en dan 4 mensen veel gelukkiger maken. Of zelfs 1 miljoen, dan maak je 8 mensen schatrijk. Dan krijgen jullie vanzelf ook meer animo van deelnemers. Hoe onbegrijpelijk is het dat jullie dit niet doen? Want met een hogere prijzenkans is het aantal deelnemers, mensen die hun leven beter kunnen en willen maken middels een lot, stukken groter. Dat jullie dat niet lijken te zien is tekenend voor wat er mis is in NL en de Westerse wereld:…

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NATO fully responsible for destroying our one and only habitat

"It is NATO that is dangerously diverting our attention and resources to war, and away from the grave threat of global warming." Links to all resources are at the bottom of this post, and I will quote some essential parts and conclusions, to make you understand why I'm even posting this (explaining why blaming NATO is valid and appropriate). "While China and Russia have a limited military presence with 4 and 8 foreign land-bases respectively, the USA operates 87, the UK 17, and France 13 foreign bases. Based solely on the extent of land occupation, NATO has -by far- the largest negative ecological impact of any global conglomerate. This assessment does not account for the environmental damage caused by bomb strikes, where NATO has surpassed every other possible contender or corporation over the past 40 years. [...] In all this the impacts of production stages in the weapons manufacturing industry have not been included, but it needs to be stated that even when discounting those it is undeniable that without the existence of NATO we would not have a global warming problem today." "Here's the awful truth: even if every person, every automobile, and every factory suddenly emitted zero emissions,…

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ConfigServer Security and Firewall

If you're managing linux servers (or desktops, even), I highly recommend this firewalling suite called CSF/LFD. Been using it for decades, and it has protected 'my' linux machines better than anything else ever could. Proud to say none of the systems I manage have been compromised, hacked, broken in to or ransomwared. CSF is easy to install and comprehend even for linux noobs, has well written documentation and does what you hope it does and usually better! It offers an integrated webserver user interface, or integrates in existing control panels (like webmin). And amazingly it's still completely free! I have not been paid for this. It's just out of sheer appreciation and being thankful for all the hard work that its devs have put into it which made me decide to post this.

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The Extinction Economy

Population declines of Earth's species: 56% of mammals (32–75%) 53% of birds (48–56%) 63% of amphibians (43–75%) 54% of insects (13–89%) 41% of fishes (11–84%) 28% of reptiles (14–63%) 'the magnitude of the Anthropocene biodiversity crisis is considerably more severe than suggested by analyses based on IUCN Red List conservation categories.' The scientific consensus: economic growth and the race for profit mean extinction. 'the planet is approaching a mass extinction event far graver than prior research has suggested' The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) says '28% of species are under threat'. However, a third of species currently classified as non-threatened on the IUCN Red List 'are actually spiraling toward extinction'. Scenario-based climate projections considering the most critical life stages (spawners and embryos) clearly identify the temperature requirements for reproduction as a critical bottleneck in the life cycle of fish. 60% of primate species are threatened with extinction, 75% are declining. Main threat: habitat destruction due to logging/agriculture. Hunting, road construction, oil & gas extraction, mining, pollution, disease, and climate change are also key threats. Our predicament is now so grave that only extraordinary economic system change towards a low energy set-up will do if…

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King Kong uitgeraasd

Blijft leuk ;) Interessant om te vermelden was dat die 'storingen' niet uit de zelfbouw zender kwamen, maar dat ik heel dicht bij een Centraal Antenne Systeem, een voorloper van kabeltelevisie, woonde, en dat de signaal-versterkers die daar toen gebruikt werden niet waren opgewassen tegen sterke hoog-frequent straling (ongeacht de golflengte van die straling). Het was niet zo dat de 'harmonischen stoorden op de luchtvaart- en TV-banden', zoals toen *altijd* werd ge-opperd in de rechtzaal. Er zaten zgn band-pass filters aan de uitgang van mijn zender, daar konden evt harmonischen niet eens doorheen komen. Van de 18 Watt output van de eindtrap bleef nog maar 10 Watt over voor de antenne, zo sterk waren die filters. Iedereen die ooit met hoogfrequent zenders en ontvangers heeft gewerkt weet dat gevoelige antenne-versterkers (t.b.v. ontvangst van ver weg gelegen TV-zenders) niet tegen sterke HF-straling in de nabijheid kunnen, en al helemaal niet als een kabeltelevisie richt-antenne precies jouw kant op staat, terwijl jij met een FM-zender aan het stoeien bent..

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The bullshit angst-craze over 5G

Try not to be insulted by the headline. I wrote this because it is slowly becoming mainstream to be scared of 5G, which is - honestly - really stupid. Most people complaining about the bad effects of 5G, 4G, microwave, wireless internet etc. have not been enjoying any education in basic physics. I'll try and explain why in simple to understand language; "How can we be so sure that many diseases are not being caused by the radiation poisoning now occurring from cell phones, 5G towers, EMF’s in the home (wifi, microwave ovens, refrigerators, digital meters etc) at the office, on a ship (many now have onboard 5G), at a concert (with tens of thousands of cell phones in use in close proximity)?" We can be quite sure of that because the radiation you refer to can easily be measured. Both in strength and in frequencies used by these devices. Prior to the growth of cable-TV, digital radio, wireless internet, smartphones, 2/3/4/5G UMTS, the air around us was literally loaded with actual TV signals (VHF/UHF) and FM/AM radio transmissions everywhere. Really powerful ones, from local radio- and TV-stations all the way up to nationwide transmitters. Most of those transmitters pumped…

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What actually happened in (nazi infested) Ukraine prior to 2022?

The President of Ukraine, from 2014 to 2019; Imagine we would have a president in the Netherlands, saying this about Frisian citizen, or about Jewish people, or about Muslims, or about atheists? He would be ousted within a day. So how come some of you still wonder why the ethnic Russian population of the Donbass wanted to become part of Russia again? Sham-elections my ass. Even many Western Ukrainians actually spoke up against the ridiculously fascist government, but they were never heard, it seems.. It's funny that in 2018 Ro Khanna tweeted and demanded that US gov. stops, quote: "rehabilitation and spread of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine". -> Now he supports cluster munition delivery and together with his wife invests in the military industrial complex. The pivot is amazing. After WW2 British government welcomed thousands of Ukrainian (Galicien) SS OUN/B members. -> Many of them later migrated to Canada -> One of them was recently given a standing ovation in Canadian Parliament -> Canada admits letting in 2,000 Ukrainian SS troopers, 1997 -> Ottawa advised against releasing names of Nazi war criminals. Did you know that the reason Canadian government initially welcomed the Nazis after WW2…

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What’s next?

Let's do a simple comparison everybody can understand: Population of USA: 338 million, imprisoned: 2100k = 0.62% in jail. Population of Russia: 144 million, imprisoned: 472k = 0.33% in jail. Population of China: 1425 million, imprisoned: 1690k = 0.0011% in jail. Even if this would imply that (for example) policing in both Russia or China is really bad, that there are bribes keeping people out of prison, that crime-rings are left untouched, that both Russia and China are deliberately keeping crime on the streets instead of in prison, or that Russia and China are torturing and threatening people instead of locking them up, or that Russia and China prefer letting criminals work for them under the threat of being imprisoned if they refuse to comply (i.e. a form of slavery). Even if all that were the case, there would still be no way you'd reach and equal to the amount of lawlessness or police-state or freedom-infringement taking place in the US of A. The difference is just way too large to make that come close. Noteworthy as well is that both Russia and China have extremely low documented crime numbers in general, compared to those in Western Europe and the…

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Russia has no intentions of using nuclear weapons

For some strange reason, nobody ever reads or listens to what the president, the leader, of their (fictitious) enemy has to say about stuff. Below is a copy-paste from what Putin most recently had to say about the nuke threats, which, I would reckon, is of value to our survival on this planet, no? So by all means, read the important clip from the translation here; Mr President, could you please comment, is it true that the world is on the verge of the possible use of nuclear weapons? How will Russia act in these circumstances, given that it is a responsible nuclear state? Thank you. Vladimir Putin: Look, as long as nuclear weapons exist, there will always be a danger that they could be used. This is the first thing. Second, the goal of the current fuss around such threats and the potential use of nuclear weapons is very primitive, and I would probably be not mistaken when I explain what this is about; I already said that the dictate of the Western countries and their attempts to apply pressure on all the participants of international communication, including countries that are neutral or friendly to us, are achieving nothing,…

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