Where to go for survival?

The most asked question I get, from those assuming I'm better informed on this subject than they are, is "So where do I move to survive all this?". I've been researching this (human survival) on several separate occasions the past three decades. One crucial requirement is the lack of seismic destruction, either by tsunami or by living on top of tectonic hazardous areas. So, scratching that off the list leaves the areas that will suffer the least from a warming planet. One would assume that would be the polar regions, but that's a big mistake. Both poles are going to suffer immensely from warmer than normal surface (and ocean) temperatures. Aside from the soil being practically dead from the fast changes in temperature, there's not much organic life that survives ice to heat in the currently observed time-spans. I'll elaborate more on all this as time passes, and will update this message/article, but for now I'll post my findings thus far, the short-cut to a valuable answer to the question without the background info; I'd advice the Heard & McDonald islands and/or the Falkland Islands. They'll stay coldest the longest in the future, as do the seas around them, so…

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