The Blue Ocean Event

What many don't seem to realize is that the CO2 we're emitting is cumulative, it's not going away anytime soon, it's a growing blanket around the Earth, and now we're living in a greenhouse because of that. Which is why the top three warmest Mays have all occurred in the last three years. This course of events was already known in 1896. And while all this is known, every day we keep on adding 240000 new humans to a planet that has a limited amount of resources. Something does not compute. At some point that concept will crash. And we're beginning to see when that could be. My rough estimate, with the data available now, with the changes predicted for the way we plan to live, is that around 2028 we'll be living in a 3.5 C warmer planet than what it was before industrial civilization started. Humans have never been alive on a planet that warm. Just sayin' Oh, and then there's also that pesky methane: “So we are left with a stark choice: allow climate disruption to change everything about our world, or change pretty much everything about our economy to avoid that fate. But we need to…

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