Wish Key..
For those who think this sounds familiar; Yes, it was used for the infamous "Nou Dan Bent U Wel Een Grote Klootzak Anders show" opener..
For those who think this sounds familiar; Yes, it was used for the infamous "Nou Dan Bent U Wel Een Grote Klootzak Anders show" opener..
"KRAPPE arbeidsmarkt", seriously, are you freaking kidding me? "En de kinderdagverblijven zijn bang dat de vraag naar opvang drastisch zal afnemen." Misschien eens overwegen om meer kwaliteit te leveren voor wat je vraagt, beter te concurreren, net als in iedere andere branche waar klandizie bepalend is voor de omzet?
Rambam's First Law: "All databases will eventually be used for unintended purposes."
- When the guy comes back here, try to detain him. - Detain him? - Yeah. - How? - I don't know. Offer him a cup of coffee or something. - And then what? - And then, you know... call me. I'll come and arrest him, I guess. - In the meantime, this french sociopath stabs me and Mike to death. Fuck that, man. - Oh you want my job? - No we don't want your job. We just want a little protection. - Protection? - Yeah. - Protection. Certainty. Assurance, security. - Well... yeah, that too, I guess. - You want confidence. A pledge... Safety. Guarantee... promises... expectation... consideration... Sincerity... selflessness... intimacy... attraction... gentleness... Understanding... and understanding without words. Dependence without resentment. Affection... to belong... possession... loss.... - Hey sheriff, is everything okay at home? - Why do women exist? by Hal Hartley, from the movie Simple Men
Great song, but... Sydney Youngblood was in the US-armed forces stationed in Germany at the time. If only he could what? Have left the military, perhaps? What an ass. "Fighting for peace"
Everybody Hates Cameras from The_Other_Guys