Don’t let the sun go down on me..

"The sun's current state could result in changing conditions in the solar system." is how NASA carefully describes it. There will be an exceptional press conference later today about the Sun situation. August was entirely without solar-flares, as was september until the first flare appeared yesterday (much later than expected): I've learned that we don't really have to be worried though, because alien-channeling crazy Blossom Goodchild predicts that The Federation Of Light will come and show us love from outer space on October 14th. So if the sun dies on us, we can always still ask them to beam us up. On August 1st 2008 Blossom Goodchild pressed the 'Send' button to the 128 subscribers of her 'White Cloud' e-mail list, with a channelled message from The Federation of Light, informing us of their upcoming visitation to our skies on October 14th 2008 when one of their space craft will be clearly visible. According to Blossom, these aliens say "the sane are seen as insane by the truly insane people", and it will really piss her off good if they don't show up this time! Part of the message:We wish it to be understood that on the 14th day of…

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