TinyXP Xmas 2008 Edition (update)
The nicest no-nonsense version of 32-bit Windows XP available today. Get it here. For XP x64 Edition, try this release.
The nicest no-nonsense version of 32-bit Windows XP available today. Get it here. For XP x64 Edition, try this release.
I can't believe there's not an original video by Simon & Garfunkel for this track..
Wow, how exciting! I'd say: Try not to depend on satellite/wireless communication in 2012. More wow. And the old original if you're interested.. And even more wow..
"If you are going to punish all who share files, you need to start at A in the phone book" Dus: Geef jezelf vast aan De jongens van The Piratebay vermaken zich in de rechtzaal de afgelopen week. Als je Zweeds kunt verstaan, hier staat de audio. Best heftig, want als de aanklagers geen veroordeling van de grond krijgen, dan worden Zweden en de hosters in questie 's werelds safe-haven voor alles wat in andere landen lastiger is, en is het welbeschouwd voorbij met dat gerommel in de marge. Of, zoals ze her en der al schrijven: You can't outlaw the future! If you're interested in a really great documentary about The Piratebay and intellectual property rights and things like that, go here.
"Ashes of memories still aglow. (Only for you)" Ultravox, bliss 80's memories..
If there's one person who knows how to portray America and its inhabitants, it's David Lynch. Check out his latest project. Notice the beautiful music, audio, editing and cinematography!
Last week I bought something on ebay. Much to my surprise I got a warning from Payal (on the web, secure), saying they could not process my payment because the credit-card company had refused the transaction, and that I had to contact my credit-card issuer for more information. So I called ING Card (supplier of my Mastercard compatible credit-card). Turned out they had blocked the use of my card, because of a suspicious transaction of 23000 Euro. Whoops! Luckily ING is insured against such fraudulent use, so I have nothing to worry about. Except of course the fact that it could happen in the first place. Since I'm extremely careful (almost paranoid) with my cc-data, I was quite amazed that even I had fallen victim to theft, so I decided to do some research on my own. The first transaction I know was not mine is: 24-11-2008 TELE2 MOBILE SEVRES FR 20,00 This couldn't possibly be my own doing; I was not in France on that date, did not leave my cc-data behind when I was there last time, nor did I use it online on or around that date, plus I already have other "MOBILE" providers so wouldn't need…