YouTube sneekily goes high quality

To fetch the higher quality version of a YouTube video, add &fmt=18 to the end of the URL, like this: current/old version, 320x240 resolution: high-quality (H.264) 480x360 version! -> low quality 320x240 resolution -> high-quality (Flash 9 required) YouTube seems to have converted 90% of all uploads. Audio is now double the samplerate (from 22.05 to 44.1 kHz), and stereo for the fmt=18 version (not the fmt=6 version!), but sound is being processed in a weird way. You can read here how all this got discovered by dtfinch, bayme and yawoo. All three are members of the videohelp forum, where discussion on YouTube quality is still ongoing. YouTube's timing is brutal by the way, since Stage6 is shutting down the 28th! Er zijn locaties, in Japan en de VS, waar hogere kwaliteit al de 'default' is. YouTube is een aantal formaten aan het testen. Ook &fmt=6 bestaat in veel gevallen. De oplettende internetter merkt tevens dat de hogere kwaliteit data afkomstig is van razendsnelle google servers, terwijl de oude van trage overbelaste youtube servers binnenstroomt.. Uitgaand van deze statistieken, ziet 20% van de internettende mensheid gemiddeld 9 hele videos per dag van YouTube (flink naar beneden…

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