Debunking the debunkers (updated)

The Twin Towers contained 5000 tons asbestos (of the worst kind there is). In the mid-1990s, the New York Port Authority was looking at an asbestos abatement bill of as much as $1 billion dollars – representing well over 10 times the buildings’ original cost. When the buildings’ insurers, Affiliated FM, refused to cover the asbestos removal/abatement costs and won their subsequent lawsuit over the the matter, the Port Authority was left with some untenable choices; The outdated buildings could not be demolished because of the asbestos; for the same reason, they could not be remodeled and updated in any cost-effective manner. The only other option was to slowly dismantle the Towers a piece at a time – the cost of which would have run into several billions of dollars. Conveniently, real estate developer Larry Silverstein was willing to take over the buildings, the first time in its 33-year history the complex had EVER changed ownership. The deal was signed late July of 2001, only weeks before the attacks(!), with a 99-year lease to the Port Authority. Mr. Silverstein, who made a down-payment of $124 million on this $3.2 billion complex, promptly insured it for $7 Billion. Not only that, he covered the complex against “terrorist attacks”. (He was originally outbid by a competitor, Vornado Real Estate Trust – but this bid was withdrawn when the Port Authority refused to reduce the terms of the lease.)
Interestingly, Silverstein was also the builder of Building No. 7, which was full of asbestos as well, by the way.
Following the attacks, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy ($7B), based on the two — in Silverstein’s view — separate attacks. The insurance company, Swiss Re, paid Mr. Silverstein $4.6 Billion. Not a bad return on a relatively paltry investment of $124 million, ey?

Mr. Silverstein’s first order of business as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex. The new security company he hired was Securacom (now Stratasec). George W. Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, was on its board of directors, and Marvin’s cousin, Wirt Walker III, was its CEO. According to public records, not only did Securacom provide electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines — two key players in the 9/11 attacks.

If all people who allegedly boarded the destroyed planes are dead anyway, why are there (still) no video or pictures of those passengers and the hijackers waiting for their respective planes in the airport concourse terminals? Wouldn’t the remaining relatives and loved-ones want to see them during their last moments alive on the ground? There were 300 video cameras installed and working at the Dulles airport even in 2001. The only images released are of two of the supposed hijackers passing through the checkpoint metal detectors. Where are the videos or pictures of them after that? Who did they each talk to at the terminal gates in the waiting areas with the other passengers? Were they talking with other unnamed accomplices? The fact that no video or picture evidence exists other than them passing through check point is ridiculous. The video evidence would still exist if it had not been purposely destroyed following an order or very high paycheck. Either way, if you want the public to know the truth, why is surveillance evidence not released to the general public? Because those passengers are all still alive and would be recognized.

If the planes had been swapped, no passenger planes hit any of the buildings, then where are those people?

As several researchers concluded, some of the planes were close to empty.
If Silverstein alone made $4.600.000.000 on the attacks, think about the petty cost of silencing and renewing identities for a total of only ~200 people. You don’t have to kill them, you just tell them to remain silent about the deal, give them new lives with a starting fee of 1 million $US, and a yearly guaranteed pay of, say, $100.000 tax-free (on top of what they’re doing with their first payment). You’ll tell them they keep getting the 100k a year on one condition; Never speak about having been in one of the swapped planes or having been otherwise involved in the coverup. Of course you inform them on a need to know basis. You could even get them to have their family members, pets and loved ones to join them in their new lives on the Cook Islands. I’m not even American and I know people who would go for such a deal in a heartbeat.
All that would only cost you 200 million once, and 20 million each following year. Let’s say the average age was 40, that would amount to 40 years of having to pay off those 200 people totaling at 800 million USD. Well look at that, the price for their continuous silence would only be 1 billion, and you’ll probably get them to help out confirming ‘the official stories’, if you had already pre-selected them on anti-muslim tendencies.
If you actually want to get to the truth about 9/11, make sure you check all leads on all passenger lists of the 4 planes, talk to *all* remaining relatives, see where they live, what they are like, how they were compensated, and how that matches the official stories. Be very certain you find the actual passenger lists, not the ones cooked up by United Airlines or the FBI.

Interesting mp3 of WTC demolition debate between engineer Leslie Robertson and physicist Steven Jones on KGNU radio.
Gaan we nog een keer: debunking_the_debunkers.htm

En verder is er nogal veel gaande in die veel te kort durende etmalen in mijn veel te korte leven, dus verwacht geen vuurwerk uit mij in deze tijd.
Ik verblijf een paar dagen bij mijn zus in Maastricht, die borstkanker heeft, en inmiddels haar tweede chemo-treatment achter de rug heeft. Niet alleen voor de gezelligheid, maar ook om een PC te upgraden
(Uit de vorige versie van dit bericht:) Mocht je teenager zijn, dit nu lezen, en (achteloos meeroken: Doe het jezelf (en je omgeving) niet aan en stop ermee.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Michiel de R

    Van die theorie dat Bush en zijn cornuiten zèlf achter de aanslagen op 9/11 zaten geloof ik geen drol. Het is de wereld in geholpen door een Franse journalist die zich baseert op foto’s die hij van internet heeft gehaald. Ja nee lekker betrouwbaar. Ik vertrouw regeringen ook absoluut niet en er zijn veel fouten gemaakt rond, en vooral vóór 9/11 (vooral het domweg negeren van serieuze aanwijzingen dat er iets ging gebeuren) maar de complottheorieën zijn één grote komedie. En mensen die zeuren over het instorten van de twin towers moeten niet zeiken. Hoe KUN je het nou iemand anders dan degenen die die vliegtuigen in de gebouwen hebben geboord kwalijk nemen dat ze zijn ingestort? Belachelijk, al dat gezeik dat ze nooit hadden mogen instorten na de crashes. Het is al heel wat dat ze niet meteen om gingen. Velen vergeten de kinetische energie die de gebouwen te verduren hebben gehad toen die ENORME vliegtuigen er in knalden (waardoor de fireproofing dus ook was aangetast).

  2. JBT

    Je zegt daar nogal wat. Juist het gegeven dat die torens zo’n enorme klap moesten kunnen verduren was volgens de designers notabene de bedoeling. Zie genoemde links, en lees deze eye-opener ook eens:

    Complottheoriën, wat zijn dat? Weer zo’n term die alleen maar wordt misbruikt. Handig in een discussie; kun je alle andersdenkenden meteen mee wegwuiven als ‘gek’ of ‘gevaarlijk’. Het hele leven is een complottheorie, als ik de definitie ervan begrijp.
    Dat van die franse journalist zegt me niets, ik weeg mijn oordeel afgaande op alle info die mij bereikt. Het is mij echt way too convenient, wat er gebeurd is. Een oefening houden inclusief fake vliegtuigkapingen TIJDENS de echte kapingen, yeah right. Er is echt véél teveel rook zonder dat er een vuur kan zijn. Maar de tijd leert het ons wel, dat merken we nu al. Door dat enorm rokende vuur vol smoking guns en achilleshielen komen de feiten vanzelf boven tafel. Duurt misschien nog even, maar ze maken er nu al werkelijk een potje van daar in het Pentagon, de ene na de andere keiharde leugen druppelt de rand van de emmer over (en al die vasthoudende patriotten zich maar schamen natuurlijk);

    Onzekerheid en paniek maken zich duidelijk meester van de betrokkenen. “If you can’t convince them, confuse them!” dat lijkt nu de handelswijze:

  3. Jos the boss

    beterschap gewenst voor Vix,
    and remember

    Jos N vanaf de helpdesk

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