Defending Open Internet

Op de 1 of andere manier wordt je altijd meteen weggeveegd als engerd die waarschijnlijk illegale dingen (zoals de distributie van kinderporno) wil kunnen blijven doen, zo gauw je een mening hebt die met een vrij en open internet te maken heeft. Zo ligt het echter niet. Check hier en hier en hier en hier. En stem vandaag op de SP, blijkbaar de enigen die nog een sikkepit om het huidige internet geven, en het uit handen van de grote jongens willen houden. "Don't vote PSE / PPE / Liberals and UEN member in your country ! Just once to save the net neutrality in Europe!" The internet as we know it is at risk. The new rules in the EU (the Telecoms package), voted on May 6, will be negotiated again in the Autumn, propose that broadband providers will be legally able to limit the number of websites you can look at, and to tell you whether or not you are allowed to use particular services. It will be dressed up as ‘new consumer options’ which people can choose from. People will be offered TV-like packages – with a limited number of options for you to access. It means…

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Making linux worse

That's what they're doing when different linux distributions decide on using different names for the exact same binaries. Good example: Apache; For some idiotic reason Debian needs to call their httpd apache2 instead of httpd, while everybody else uses httpd for the same thing. What kind of tyrannic oversight decides on bullshit like that? When you ever need to migrate from CentOS to Debian, you'll find yourself having to work hours and hours through textfiles and scripts, ONLY because some linux-lord at the top of some distribution didn't ask any user about changing the name of an important open-source package like that of a webserver. How annoying. You couldn't just get along and choose some uniformity between the masses of users of this webserver? What could EVER be useful about using two different names for one and the same daemon? And no surprise they need to scatter configuration over two files now: httpd.conf and apache2.conf. Yes, that's right, the "apache2" daemon still reads the httpd.conf, just to make it even more annoying for you, the innocent user. Whoever made that insane decision: YOU SUCK! And the worst part is: You know you suck. "This introduction should help you get acclimated…

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