This was one of my first vinyl records. I think I got it second-hand from my grandparents, so that I had some more to play on my first Dual turntable. Didn't understand one word of it, but it teached me about the sound of the language. Also made me find out how musically gifted italians are.. Ever since I started liking this song (as it was played to death on my first vinyl player), and its B-side "Sei Un Bravo Ragazzo" (another great oldie), I felt a growing admiration for everything related to this country. I like italians. I like their food, their music and most of all I like their women. Wrote a naughty poem about that in my early twenties (sorry, it's Dutch): Uitverkoren... och was ik maar in die trotse laars gebohoren dan kon ik me in de warmste grotten boren als Pisa zo groot, altijd een scheve toren.. als ik in dat cholesterolverlagende land was geboren zou ik de enige niet-macho zijn, maar net zo slecht geschoren zou ik zo de meest vurige schone katholieken scoren ze nemen van achteren en van voren nachten met ze doorgaan tot aan het ochtendgloren en in de pauzes zouden…