Check out these stories, how spammers are hiring ddos mafia to ensure that Block List maintainers shut down their anti-spam services. Pretty shocking material, the nerve of these assholes!I cannot tell you how much I hate spam and everything related to it. And when I write "hate" I do mean hate. Deep raging anger and feelings of disgust towards everybody involved in spam. It has ruined many hours of my life (totaling to months by now)! All those hours could have been free time, that I would have loved to spend on pleasant things, yet they needed to be wasted on those motherfuckers who feel it necessary to annoy the world with their products or business by the use of unsolicited email. Furthermore, it also managed to ruin one of the most reliable communication means that ever existed (email). By causing complete chaos in blocking, filtering and ignoring email we all have to deal with getting in a bad mood because every now and then a certain email did not end up at the intended destination. For example as a direct result of some tired administrator who decided to block email based on country-code of the IP-address range. Now not…