Frogs and mysterious other..

During a stay at my mother's in the heart of France recently, I noticed how there were literally hundreds of male frogs doing their chorus in the night. This choir was actually keeping us all awake, it was that loud Luckily I had a recording set with me. For those interested in a 14 minutes long chunk out of the hours of croaking ribbits I'm now in posession of, here it is in Ogg Vorbis format. The original recordings are worth money (man), so I'm not handing this out uncompressed. This high bitrate Ogg Vorbis example is pretty much transparent though. Now for the mystery I want to solve: While this (example) recording was made, I was a couple of hundred meters away from the mics. Left it alone in the dark woods. This meant that all kinds of night-creatures curiously came to check out my recording set. This is why I've taken out THESE 14 minutes of the total, there are some strange breathings and steps to be heard in the recording. You will notice how around 11:04 the frogs fall quiet. This is probably the moment one or more larger animals or preditors close in on where the…

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