Banner-Ads Are Stupid

It amazes me how stupid some people in IT development are. Excluding myself for a change. First, how could anyone ever have believed that banner-ads of any kind would work? I could have told them at the start they wouldn't. When you're on the internet you're busy reading or looking at or for stuff, you have certain goals while surfing, sometimes vague, but they are always there in the back of your head, there's absolutely no way you're considering 1 click on some nervous monkey or some pushy browser-window with nothing but "ass-fucking teen" links on it. Second; Whatever happened to the meaning of the word "free"? Why do they say "free download" when no downloading is ever free? And when you'll only be able to use the downloaded stuff for 30 days? How are things "free" when they use it to put commercials inside? Why do they say "free trial-version"? Do they think anyone in their right mind would want to PAY to try out software? Then there's Linux and even FreeBSD, while being advertised as completely "FREE!" operating systems, we need to pay to get it on CD now. And the cost is way up there with Windows…

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