Putting date and time in filenames
My camcorder generates digital video-files named 00001.MTS, 00002.MTS, and so on. When I connect the camera to a computer using USB, I can move the files to harddisk as is. Unfortunately, when I process the video into other formats (avi, mp4 etc.), the original time-stamp gets lost, so there is no way to (later) see when they were filmed (or stored on the camcorder to be exact). This isn't useful. I've been looking for a method to flawlessly rename (folders full of) many camcorder files with their original date and time inserted in the name, so I can easily find what I'm looking for, and don't have to lose time over it as I was used to. After doing a lot of experimenting using the "for" command for Windows .bat files, and with help of some co-wizzards, I came up with this batch file. It uses the Windows Script Host and Visual Basic script, and works in all Windows 32 bit and x64 Operating Systems (yes, even Vista). How to use it and What does it do? Easy: - Unpack datetime_renamer.bat from this zip-file - Put it in the folder where your camcorder-files are (the files you want to give…
Fuck Off tot nader order
Erg stil van mijn kant de laatste tijd. Oorzaak daarvan is dat ik my girl te logeren heb (wiens woning wordt opgeknapt), en natuurlijk overall het feit girlfriend. Oom jult is op vrijersvoeten
Japanse vrienden ;-)
Cool, I seem to have made some young Japanese friends, check Midnight rainbow's weblog. By the way, it's still possible to bypass YouTube's re-encoding (i.e. you can upload your home-made FLV1 video and have YouTube leave it the fuck alone Manual here (only for the hex-editing capable among us..)