The stupidity-bubble of the moral majority

Pilger tells it like it is. Senior international lawyers of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concluded with good reason that Assange was being illegally detained – and further rejected the appeal by the UK – because there is no real case and no real investigation in progress against Assange. The UK gov (or the entire West’s governments for that matter) didn’t like the United Nations Human Rights Council’s verdict, just puts that aside as if we, the people, are all idiots and didn’t catch that corruption of justice. It’s truly pathetic, and *all* our governments (and media) have handled this like enormous assholes. They all can’t handle the truth, claiming “why doesn’t he step outside?”. Some people apparently missed what happened to Manning, and since Julian founded WikiLeaks, his fate would be way worse. Or did they forget Hillary Clinton publicly proposed to “just drone the guy”?

In hindsight, the Aaron Hillel Swartz case is all just a big fight against the stupidity of the moral majority’s ruling class.

It’s smart vs stupid. Once again smart lost (as a result of being a minority), dooming the human species to extinction and ruin, essentially.

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