The unfathomable nonsense religion of ‘mining cryptocurrency’

Fun fact; Blockchain technology doesn't require any mining AT ALL, no cracking hashes, no crunching of numbers. Another fun fact: A good reliable functional cryptocurrency does not require mining AT ALL. It's an insane idea brought forward by virtual value backed by nothing (about the same as the one behind the dollar and euro today), implying that one has to do 'something special' in order to create new currency. A so-called 'proof of work' consensus algorithm. Completely unneeded. Mining is a deplorable wasteful mechanism by which only retards think they 'create value'. Mathematical and cryptography advancements have long surpassed any requirement of having to crunch numbers in order to 'create' new virtual currency. Funniest fact: Bitcoin creation ends when a set amount of them has been created by mining, thereby proving how useless the concept of wasting energy, time and resources has been all along. Its value doesn't just disappear after they've all been mined! Even bitcoin's core mining software developer stated that mining wasn't needed in order for BTC to function back in 2009. It was a silly fun idea, made up solely to make it look like you needed to do something in order to get rewarded that…

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