Here comes the Sun (update)

Neptunus en Mars warmen ook op. Invloed van magnetische velden en kosmische straling op de aardse temperatuur is véél groter dan die van CO2 uitstoot van de mens. Wat mij enigszins verrast is het feit dat wij nog kunnen leven met zo weinig vrije zuurstof in de atmosfeer.By analyzing air bubbles trapped in fossils, scientists have recently proven that the earth's atmosphere used to have 40% oxygen. By comparison, today's air only contains 16% to 19% oxygen. This is one half of what your body was designed for! Even more startling, analysis of the air in different parts of the world shows that this number is continuing to decline and many large cities now have oxygen levels as low as 12%. Medical researchers say that if falls below 7% the human race will perish. In 1905, virtually no one had cancer. the oxygen level at that time has been estimated to have been at 30%. In the 1940's the oxygen in the atmosphere measured 25% and one out of twenty Americans had cancer. Today, one third of Americans now have cancer and within the next five years it has been estimated that half of the American population will have some…

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