SlowTime with Apple Macintosh (updated)

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Because they only have a 5% share of the Internet user base, but they feel they can take over our operating systems with their badly written (and untested) software. Check out this story, if not this one. Ever since formats like m4v, m4a and mp4 have appeared on the Internet, Quicktime 7 and iTunes have ruined all Windows operating systems with stupid Apple bugs. One could say I'm a computer systems expert for more than 15 years now, so I know. I have not seen ANY serious brand that has ever done something as arrogant as this last trick Apple pulls on us with their software. Even MicroSoft never sunk this low, MS at least gives the user a choice, and it doesn't lie about giving it. Beware for Quicktime bloathware, it takes over the MP3 MIME type link in your browser, even when you tell it NOT to. Click on any mp3 in your browser and Quicktime will open it. (Who knows what other things this software does without your permission!) What a load of crap these Apple losers dumped on the net this time! When you change the entries in your registry by hand, in order to set…

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Voor de echte hard-core, de liefhebbers van weleer; Exclusieve gedigitaliseerde oude radio-uitzendingen, integraal gerestaureerd. Let op: Deze download staat los van de normale feed. Te beginnen met een dynamische sfeertekening van begin 1998; Over Girlpower, tepels, het gevecht tussen de macho en de feminist, radiostilte, macht, handgranaten op straat, hoop en depressie. Veel melige lol en bijzondere muziekjes, en zowaar hier en daar een mooi brommetje door HoogFrequent inslag! Als je de intromuziek niet wilt horen, skip dan de eerste 20 minuten. Download hier de mp3. Hoofdtelefoon aanbevolen voor optimale emo-overdracht. N.B. Voor de uitzendrechten over de muziek (voor zover die ueberhaupt te koop is) is reeds betaald.

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