Spamfilter Hope

The new craze in e-mail is to read/write "I hope my mail gets through your spam-filters". Or the somewhat more experienced: "Hope my provider is not in your blacklist." Pretty sad it has come to this. De nieuwste trend in e-mail: "Hopelijk komt deze mail/mijn provider door je spamfilters heen" The biggest disease on the internet are the people trying to make money by pushing it too far. It seems that half of all spam-runs these days are just tests by idiots who want to see if their emails bounce or not. I mean really, content like... slfbxe mdmzflc kupyykgrlvcygf kweklktzhdkaxwmwtf peizwqlh lxsxpnje jdrqeglkivss ostayymxn vltillwzlulhxzeuk fmdppzvzfhqr bfstlu tzczuuin kepzy ...will surely attract people, wouldn't you say? Also, the newer nightmare out there: referer-spam. I noticed that they seem to have discovered us pivot-users blocking strings from domain-names. They've started using pretty normal names, and they've become predictable too. Probably recruted some actual human beings making up the new names, which means we can win at this game. I frequently update the blocked list for you to use on your site, with which I try to be ahead of them. Voor de breedbandigen onder u: de Koningsplein cam, morgen wel leuk misschien... (courtesy of Dick Visser…

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