may 6 2001
As you can see, the top-menu has disappeared, and a new fascinating thing on the left-side... It's experimental DHTML and java stuff, and I'm reasonably happy with the style now, it kinda 'shivers', or at least with Internet Explorer it does. Only thing I should do about it is to get the links to be organized and shortened, the menu is way too large now. Anyway, it works in almost any browser and it is at least half the size (in bytes) of the previous menu. Little things about it will change over time, we'll see what happens.
Don't feel like writing much today, I have been writing too much for others already, and I still don't know if I like to type or not. I should get out more often, exercise more, eat healthier, clean up my life, and I should get jobs that pay more, do more with music etc. etc.
may 3 2001
In the jthz guestbook someone states that my webpages have no soul(?) and that not having any friends at all is better than having friends with no soul(?). Funny how I always seem to attract the weirdest of people on the internet. On with the sites without any soul:
First, ZE's dating advice really made me smile. Then, another victim of internet-addiction coming to her senses (good going girl).
Dear Ladies: Why You
Should Bang Your IT Guy instead of banging some asshole hitting you in the face every other day. I lost yet another potential girlfriend (Geertje) this way. What she sees in him is beyond me. I decided not to worry, when push comes to shove I can always move to New Zealand with Mijke, right? ;-)
I've now also started to 'archive' the most interesting photography from me and my (new) digicam. It's so easy and cheap to shoot great pictures with it, that I might even get to be good at it. Anyway, the nicest funniest coolest pictures are to be found here.

may 1 2001
Leuk: Foto's Koninginnedag
Niet leuk: Nova 1 mei...
Extremely sleepy right now, have slept less than 3 hours in the past 48 hours or so, and decided not to go sleep during hours I usually don't sleep, so I postponed the night once more. I think springtime fills my blood with so much extra energy that I can handle this quite well.
Anyway, yesterday was queensday in my hometown, busy as hell, my impression was that there were many more people in the city than ever before. I have had Tarot-cards explaining my (glorious) future by some young lady in the Vondelpark, which of course was fun. It was actually scary how much she seemed to know about my recent love-interests. Now, I own a Tarot-deck myself, but somehow it makes more sense when some woman sits in front of you ;) I've also bought me a kiss for 1 guilder from a female student, which was exciting as well, hehhehe. I'm thinking of doing a similar thing next year; I want to hug people for only 25 cents, kiss people on the cheek for 1 guilder and do a kiss on the mouth for only 2,50 ;) Of course, I need to figure out a way to not have to do it with (gay) men then without being too obvious about it.
Finally, we're getting somewhere, The Rainforest doesn't exist. But now some bad news, and for this I really need to switch to dutch:
Aan die massa die zonodig naar Amsterdam toe moest voor koninginnedag om hier wiet te komen roken en dronken te worden: Realiseer je alsjeblieft eens dat er in deze stad ook gewoon mensen wonen, leven en moeten werken enzo!

Nooit eerder lag er zoveel kapot glas in de stad. Dat tuig dat hier elk jaar maar de boel komt verzieken voor de bewoners van deze stad can go to hell. Van mij mogen ze volgend jaar het gehele treinverkeer naar de stad stilleggen. Dat de NS nu de schuld krijgt van iets wat dat vandalistische ladderzatte wietrokende tuig veroorzaakt heeft is natuurlijk te gek voor woorden! Wat deze stad, of dit land, nodig heeft is een paar Dirty Harries. Die mogen dan es flink wat van die trein- en telefooncel-vandalisten in elkaar rammen, misschien dat ze het dan een keer leren. Op deze manier maak je namelijk alleen maar de kaartjes nog duurder en telefoonkosten nog hoger dan ze al zijn. Hoe dom kun je zijn?

april 29 2001
Queensday in Amsterdam tomorrow. Always weird to live right in the middle of it. The need to party and have fun, even if you feel like shit. Actually, I have to work at least half the day, so really, what's there to be so happy about ;-)
A lot has happened since last time I wrote something for my domain here. I will start an archive, otherwise this page will become too heavy to load.
So "" will now only show you the latest.
Interesting things I found on the net recently:
- Why not believe in the force?
- Listen to this song, it's really good. In fact listen to the entire album!
- Since they'll die anyway, their privacy is no longer protected;
invade the cast of death-row
- One of the coolest flash things I've seen