
The Ring of Angst

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Lots of Angst yet to explain...

Dear angstful reader, are you aware that ANGST is in fact one of the dutchest words possible? Most people think it's from German origin, but it's not. The word has only one vowel in it, therefore ideal for the language spoken in Les Pays-Bas, The Netherlands. We also have words like langst (=longest) en bangst (=scaredest).

OK, so, if ANGST is a dutch word, what does it mean when it's used in the country with the largest amount of PC's per head of the population? Well, over here people use it when they're talking about fear, terror, anguish, agony, anxiety. In fact, our language does not know any better translation for anxiety and fear: It is angst we feel when we are afraid.
Over time, however, I noticed that the term angst has gained popularity in the US, and above all has taken on somewhat different meanings than just the dutch one. I think these ideas about the word derive from Germany, where they also know the word angst in that deeper sense or meaning.

Over here ANGST also has some much-used conjugations and the likes;
angstig (= afraid)
angstzweet (= sweat of fear)
angstkreet (= cry of distress)
doodsangst (= fear of death)
angstvallig (= scrupulous)
angstaanjagend (= terrifying, fearsome)
angsthaas (= a chicken shit, easily scared, cowardly person)
and a few more would make me feel like being a teacher now, so I'll stop here. School was no fun, or was it? Yes, well, eeh.. you got that right, I live in Amsterdam. And no, I don't do drugs. I really don't even like smoking or drinking. But yes, I can have sex as much as I want because all the girls are so goddamn easy and liberated over here. NOT! Boy am I depressed now. I have to go out and buy me some bread and toilet-paper, and I hate that, I hate supermarkets, I hate the people that stand in my way because I'm always in a hurry. I have not 1 second free time left. I'm living in angst, alt.angst. See you in there?

a half-sister

In case you are a heterosexual male:
See what you can't have
because I'm having it!

my adult only section - yeah right

But now, à la Maison de Jules...
Table of brains 1998
Smileys update 1999
